Friday, April 6, 2012

Free From the Pain Inside of Me

Free From the Pain Inside of Me

If I didn't tell my story maybe I would go insane,
Why take the time to write it if no one listens?
Maybe when I write my story someone would sing along.
If I didn’t stand behind the scenes I wouldn’t' know
What it takes to be the woman I am.
If no one took the time to say your worthy of love,
It’s my responsibility to say it to you.
I have a confession to make
I am addicted to loving myself and love itself.
I keep a smile on my pretty face
And my head held high.
Sometimes it seems my work is in vain,
Tell me why am i living?
If it’s not to live in life’s monstrous game.
Dodging all the alley ways, and dark crevices
Full of other peoples pain, disdain.
Whatever you say or do I am part of your life,
My memories comfort me and set me free.
I put away my desires for you, to reach your soul.
For this is where your true life will unfold.
I give complimentary kisses and hugs,
To say good morning to you.
I’m devoid of lies and fakeass disguise.
Revelations melt within my soul,
My incandescence is a pathway from old.
Reawaken from your slumber,
As hissing fires send embers of gold.
Butterflies are what I feel inside.
Miserable nightmares
Taking hostage of the mind,
It ripens in its own time.
Deluding the bearer,
Of a once beautiful soul.

Written By:
Takana Kearse - Govan
@ 4: 28 AM
(Copyrights protected)

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